Windows 7: How to access password protected shared folder

How to pass current Windows credentials to password protected network share

1. Create user/password on destination computer matching the user/password of current computer
2. Share a folder on the destination computer giving access to the new created user
3. On current computer change the local security settings as following:
3.1 Open Local Security Policy Console
3.2 Select Local policies -> Security Options -> Network security: LAN Manager authentication level
3.3 Select Send LM and NTLM response and click OK.

You can also specify different user to connect by during mapping a network drive on the destination computer.

IIS Redirection with Page and Query String (UPDATED)

By default IIS redirects to a given domain and/or application.
The web page and query string can be transferred to the destination url by using the respective parameters $S and $Q.

redirection from
will lead to

In IIS 6 the checkbox "Exact Url" will avoid appending the web page to the query string.

In order to achieve that behaviour in IIS 7 you have to first enable "Redirect all requests to exact destination" and append the sufix $S$Q to the url.
If you rely in the automatic url redirection of IIS (by default, w/o $S$Q in url) the query string is actually cut.

How to share Windows 7 folders with anonymous access including registry fix

I found very interesting forum thread describing how to share Windows 7 folder to other machines without password protection. It includes a few registry tricks to unlock that feature, that might had been set by Anti-virus software.

How to concatenate row data into string using SQL

Very simple way to achieve this is to use FOR XML statement. The result of the following example is list of user names including first and last name separated by commas.

SELECT FirstName+' '+LastName+', ' FROM UserProfile FOR XML PATH('')

But the result string ends with a comma and space. We can either remove it by SUBSTR or REPLACE functions. Using REPLACE as it is shown below saves the usage of subquery or calcualtion of the length of the same expression.

(SELECT FirstName+' '+LastName FROM UserProfile FOR XML PATH('A'))
,'</A><A>',', '))
, '</A>',''))

Here is another way to achieve this which might be convinient in stored procedures.

set @Names=''
SELECT @Names = @Names + CASE WHEN @Names<>''
THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + Name
FROM Users

How to use Visual Studio build events to copy output file to multiple destinations (projects)

Calling predefined batch file:
call MyBatchFile.bat

using command line macros:
Ex. copy "$(TargetDir)*.*" "$(SolutionDir)sitename\Bin"

list of macros find here:

Solution on "HTTP Error 414 Request URI too long" error using getJSON

The explanation of 414 error is described here:

With regard to JSON queries with jQuery this basically means we are not able to use long GET parameters. But for sure this is necessary for sending bigger objects serialized as JSON.
The solution would be using POST requests, but is jQuery support that?

The answer is yes if we just extend jQuery with post requests as it is described in jQuery forum:

postJSON: function( url, data, callback) {
return, data, callback, "json");

Then just replace getJSON with postJSON where it is needed.